
Afiliado: 18/08/2012
I'm just here to play Texas Hold'em.
Próximo nivel: 
Puntos necesarios: 137
Último juego

Actividad en los juegos

Poker Texas Hold'em

Poker Texas Hold'em

Juegos CompletadosFichas ganadas
2273629,10 mln
True Blue
Blue T-shirt
Blue Star
Welcome to MoneyLand
First Victory


Regalos: 21


Algo sobre mi

Sobre mi
Just here to play Texas Hold'em.
Hunting, fishing, reading
Peliculas favoritas
Outlaw Josey Wales...Dances With Wolves...Roadhouse...Wyatt Earp...Tombstone...
Música favorita
80's Rock....Newer country
Libros favoritos
Cosas que me gustan
Family...whitetail deer hunting in the Black Hills of SD...riding motorcycles...history...Washington Redskins...LA Lakers
Cosas que no me gustan
People who think their opinion &/or their feelings, are more important than anyone else's.

Últimas visitas

Visitas totales: 7084
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